Publications & Media

What We’re Reading: Brazil to finance plan to upgrade Cuba’s airports

Kegler Brown Global Business News

“Brazil to finance plan to upgrade Cuba’s airports” | Global Post

Brazil-Cuba bilateral trade continues to grow as Brazil has just signed an MOU to expand and modernize Cuba’s airports. This comes on the heels of discussion between the two nations to hire 6,000 Cuban doctors to assist Brazil in the delivery of health care to underserved areas. Brazil is already spending over US$600 million to help expand and modernize the port of Mariel, Cuba, into the largest port in the Caribbean; and, Cuba is setting up its first free trade zone in which Brazilian companies will be setting up for business. For our U.S. clients, these events beg the question: when our close allies are heavily investing in Cuba, does our foreign policy towards Cuba make sense or should it be changed to allow for normal trade between the U.S. and Cuba?


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