Publications & Media

Integrated Project Delivery: The Future is Now

Kegler Brown Construction Newsletter

Even supporters of design-build recognize that since design-build participants cannot be identified until bids are received, this often is too late to meaningfully participate in an efficient, integrated design.

Construction players tired of fragmented adversarial and linear relationships who desire a more team-based, collegial approach are now implementing Integrated Project Delivery - IPD.

Technology advances like Building Information Modeling - BIM – in which computer 3-D modeling allows the team to refine the design up-front to minimize delays, conflicts and change orders during construction, have also encouraged the use of an IPD approach. Under IPD, all members of the trusted construction team, owner, designer, contractor and even subcontractors, come together early on to design, budget and ultimately build the Project, frequently with risk and cost savings being equitably shared on an upfront basis. Under IPD, all parties are incentivized to work together for the common good of the Project.

While the IPD process is relatively new and requires a trusted team, many working under this project delivery system report much greater satisfaction, cooperation and savings in time and cost over traditional project delivery systems.

For now, IPD is primarily utilized by sophisticated and involved owners on private work. There is no way to legally utilize this method on Ohio public work at the present time.

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