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AGC & ASC Endorse AGC 650 Subcontract

Kegler Brown Construction Newsletter

AGC has recently endorsed its AGC 650 and 655 Subcontracts in their final form. The AGC 650 is a "pay when paid" Subcontract, and has also been endorsed by ASC. The AGC 655 is a "pay if paid" Subcontract and is not endorsed by any subcontractor or trade contractor association.

Neither Subcontract is endorsed by ASA, who will continue to endorse the AIA A401 Subcontract as the subcontractor preferred document in the industry.

It is expected that AGC will actively promote the AGC 650 and 655 forms and will no longer publish the AGC 640 Subcontract which was first endorsed by all three organizations back in 1994.

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